Data governance Services

Over the last decade, there has been an exponential surge in the volume of data we produce. This proliferation has given rise to a multitude of challenges concerning data governance and legal compliance. This expansion has led to an intricate web of data intersections and numerous touchpoints, compounding the complexities associated with managing and safeguarding data.

One specific facet that has gained prominence in recent years is the stringent regulation of Personally Protected Information (PPI). Laws such as GDPR and CCPA have been enacted to impose strict governance on the handling and protection of this sensitive information. For enterprises that house PPI, these regulations pose a substantial risk, given the legal repercussions for non-compliance

Get in Touch

To achieve true effectiveness, data governance must adopt a holistic and all-encompassing approach. Our track record includes assisting numerous clients in establishing data governance frameworks from the ground up, as well as enhancing and optimizing existing capabilities.

Leading the Way in Transformation with Infisuite

Infisuite has a proven track record of aiding numerous clients in the creation and implementation of data governance frameworks, ensuring their success.


Benchmarking & Excellence Standard
Compliance Guideline
Data Security
Technological Advancements


Present and Future Outlook
Focused Development Plans
Organization and Oversight


Business and Technology Advisory Units
Technology Choice
Technology Integration
Training and Deployment


Data Governance Programs
Data Security Monitoring

Ready to get started?

Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards achieving your goals.

Gain transformational benefits with data governance, compliance and protection services:

Increase Data value

Enhancing stewardship, storage, and data integrity elevates its trustworthiness and value in generating actionable business insights. Through ongoing iterative learning and refinement, you can harness this data for innovative business models, streamlined processes, and informed decision-making.

establish customer confidence

Your customers trust you with their data – up until a breach occurs. The aftermath of a data breach includes significant loss of consumer trust, financial liabilities, and the tarnishing of your organization’s reputation. By enforcing strict governance and compliance policies, you can ensure a ‘no news is good news’ environment with customers, as far as their data is concerned.

Scale with standardized processes

The effectiveness of data governance can be compromised when processes are not correctly adhered to or fail to accommodate scalability. A pivotal factor for success in this endeavor lies in establishing a Data Governance Council, along with delineating crucial roles and responsibilities, ensuring accountability, role clarity, and implementing dispute resolution mechanisms

Minimize the Impact of Breaches

Replace personal data within your infrastructure with format-preserving tokens, ensuring secure storage within your Skyflow vault. By safeguarding personal data in this way, your remaining infrastructure gains enhanced security and flexibility, allowing you to act swiftly without compromising data privacy. &nbsp


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